DEPS Documentation

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DEPS Language

Language Overview

Language Description

DEPS Studio

DEPS Studio Description


If you produce communications (scientific papers, conferences, reports) about work using DEPS or DEPS Studio, thank you for citing us :

P.A. Yvars, L. Zimmer DEPS: A Model and Property Based Language for the synthesis of complex systems, International Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)23, 973-1002, 2024


DEPS and DEPS Studio

P.A. Yvars, L. Zimmer “DEPS: A Model and Property Based Language for the synthesis of complex systems”, International Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSym)23, 973-1002, 2024.

P.A. Yvars, L. Zimmer, “Toward a correct by construction design of complex systems : The MBSS
, Procedia CIRP, Vol 109, Elsevier, 2022.

P.A. Yvars, L. Zimmer, Integration of Constraint Programming and Model-Based Approach for System Synthesis, IEEE International Systems Conference, SYSCON 2021, Vancouver, Canada.

P.A. Yvars, L.Zimmer, “DEPS Studio : Un environnement intégré de modélisation et de résolution de problèmes de conception de systèmes“, 8ème Conférence en ingénierie du logiciel (CIEL 2019), Toulouse, 2019.

P.A. Yvars, L. Zimmer, « DEPS Un langage pour la spécification de problèmes de conception de Systèmes », proc of the 10th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization & SIMulation (MOSIM 2014), France


A. Hubert, C. Forgez, P.A. Yvars, Designing the architecture of electrochemical energy storage systems. A model-based system synthesis approach”, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol 54, Elsevier, 2022.

P.A. Yvars, L. Zimmer; A Model-based Synthesis approach to system design correct by construction under environmental impact requirements”, Procedia CIRP, Vol 103, Elsevier, 2021.

S. Diampovesa, A. Hubert, P.A. Yvars, Designing Physical Systems through a Model-Based Synthesis Approach. Example of a Li-ion Battery for Electrical Vehicles, Computers In Industry, Vol 129, August 2021.

L. Zimmer, P.A. Yvars, “Synthesis of software architecture for the control of embedded electrical generation and distribution system for aircraft under safety constraints: The case of simple failures”, 14th International Conference of Industrial Engineering, CIGI-QUALITA 2021, Grenoble, France.

.P.A. Yvars, L. Zimmer, « Contraintes, objets et ontologies pour la conception de systèmes complexes », proc of APIA 2021 Conference: Conférence Nationale sur les Applications Pratiques de l’Intelligence Artificielle (Evènement affilié à PFIA 2021), Bordeaux, 2021

L. Zimmer, P.A. Yvars, M. Lafaye, Models of requirements for avionics architecture synthesis: safety, capacity and security”, Complex System Design and Management conference – CSD&M 2020, December 2020, Paris, France.

L.Zimmer, M. Lafaye, P.A. Yvars, « Modélisation d’exigences pour la synthèse d’architecture avionique : Application à la sûreté de fonctionnement », 16eme journées AFADL, Approche Formelle dans l’Assistance au Développement de Logiciel, Montpellier, 2017.